Sunday, January 27, 2013

Foul-mouthed Four-year-old

He said a cuss-word, a highly inappropriate word, and a derogatory word, all innocently, unknowingly and in the course of about 60 seconds. It's that silly rhyming game every kid plays! They just sit in the back seat of the car and start, "Itch! Mitch! Kitch! Litch! B#&ch! Rich! Nitch! Ditch!" Etc. And they wonder why mommy is sitting in the front seat red-faced, snorting, and shaking, with tears rolling down her cheeks. Well, mommy is trying desperately not to pee a little, and she thought she was doing a good job of not drawing attention to the situation by not laughing aloud. Apparently, she should have kept her hysterical convulsions under wraps, as well. Oh, and earlier in the day, he also told me, none too softly, "He has buck-teeth, mommy!" Referring to the kindly gentleman who had just been smiling at and teasing him and his cousin in passing. That wasn't foul-mouthed, exactly, but it was certainly rude, and embarrassing to boot. I just pray that sweet old man didn't hear him.  

Do you kiss him or pinch him?

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