Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Snuggly buddy

Cohen has always been the snuggliest baby I've ever known. Just ask around. I'm not just saying it 'cause I'm his momma. He is su-uper cuddly! But of late he has replaced being snuggly with being busy. I knew it would come, but I hated to see it come so soon! He's been busy playing with his brother, busy climbing things, busy refining his dance moves, busy reading books upside down, busy trying to play video games like his daddy, busy screaming for milk...you get it. Busy. Well, last night he remembered himself. Remembered his roots, where he came from. Al had to take Levi home to his mom's for a couple of days, and it was just Cohen and me. Well, lucky me! He decided he could put aside climbing and upside down books and the like for a while. So for a rare-of-late evening, he spent most of his night in my lap! YEA!! We played and talked and laughed and snuggled and watched Alton Brown (who Cohen incidently LOVES) and just had some good old fun together. He'd hop down and run around and then come right back and crawl up in my lap again. Finally, a little before nine o'clock he crawled up in my lap once more (after a quick jog around the living room), laid his big head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Needless to say, I didn't budge for quite some time and just enjoyed the moment. I woke up about two hours later with a soaking wet shoulder where he'd drooled on me and absolutely could not have been any more delighted!


  1. That is so awesome! Enjoy it while you can. :)Love ya!

  2. Believe it or not, by buddy's been pretty snuggly the last few days. He keeps playing a game with me. He says, "Mommy, I not your love." Then, I pretend to cry, and he puts his fat little face on my shoulder and smiles and says, "I are. Mommy, I are your love." :)
