Look out behind you! There are memories galore! Be careful not to wish too hard for them.
Look out behind you! Don't fall in the trap of wanting to reclaim them.
I have an idea. Look forward (instead) to the memories that await you.
Don't live for the past, but live for what's to come, for what He has in store for you.
I've lived with desire to go back to what was, to live there never changing a thing.
Then I spy my left hand, and there I find smiling at me my cherished wedding ring.
Would I go back and make any changes? Would I do things differently somehow?
Would I go back and change what was, knowing it would change what is now?
No, forward I must look to "come what may," to those memories that await,
And patiently here in this present I'll idle 'til past memories learn to abate.
you're wise. :)